Christina's Sims

Christina's Sims
Christina's Sims Blogspot

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Saturday morning started late. The night before kept them sleeping until they had to get up (i.e. work).
When Dwight got up for work, Jeanie got up too. Her muscles were sore and she was fatigued from the work out last night so she went to the spa to get a Swedish Massage.

When Jeanie's massage finished meanwhile Dwight got a house call from a fire. On her way home Jeanie  saw Dwight's fire truck, she stopped to see what was the matter.

When she got out of her car to her dismay she saw Dwight run right into the open flames. All she could do was scream for her beloved one.

What she didn't understand at the time was that Dwight knew what he was doing. He is well known in town for being a good fire fighter.

Once Jeanie saw Dwight escape from the burning building and reduce the burning flames to just some ash on the floor, she was beaming with pride!

And she reasoned that after the spectacular job Dwight did, her fiance deserves a kiss!

While Jeanie praises Dwight for his brave work, Ellie gets ready for Stella Striker's party. When she gets home she has a circuit training plan stretched out for her! 30min of swimming, 30min of jogging and 30 min of strength work  is her plan for fitness enlightenment!

After work Dwight and Jeanie take a dip in the pool. Jeanie wins their hold the breath longest battle.

The night stretches on when Ellie is invited to yet another celebrity party this time 5 star celeb Lola Belle's. While Ellie get's cozy with the celebs, Jeanie and Dwight get cozy with each other. They go to a late night concert at the stadium and afterwards stare at the stars until the early morning.

Need help with Bridal gowns!

These our the dresses Jeanie tried on when she went bridal shopping.

Her wedding is coming up and she needs to finalize her pick!

Please vote on the poll on which dress you want to see Jeanie wearing on her big day!

                                                                       DRESS #1







Thank you! Please vote on one of the seven dresses! :)

Seems Like A New Life

When Ellie wakes up in the morning she spends the time before work reading.

When she glances at her alarm clock she notices that she has plenty of time before the car-pool comes. So Ellie heads out to the park, to hopefully socialize and meet new people.
The park is empty.
Ellie pulls out the same book she was reading earlier this morning and waits for a crowd but no one comes.

Ellie calls Raphael Striker over and he agrees to meet her at the park before work. Right when he shows up Bellisima Hemlock and her parents show up too. Ellie loves to see that Bellisima is doing well it's been along time since she's seen her, the last time was when Jeanie still was doing her daycare!

Raphael and Ellie talk it out for a while. They're only acquaintances but Ellie has always liked Raphael! Ellie asks if he's single and Rapael tells her that he's free. Could Raphael possibly be Ellie's future love interest?

Meanwhile, Dwight has had a long day. Particulary because of a small fire that turned into a big fire. It took him hours to put out. So he helped himself to his rescuees cereal.
At home Jeanie spent her time finishing her first painting. Jeanie most likley had Bellissima and her good friend Morgan Hemlock on her mind because her finishing piece turned out to be a vampire!

Before work Ellie calls in and asks for an unpaid off-work day and fortunatley it's accepted. Now with a free day in front of her she heads to the Striker's home to visit Stella.

Once Dwight gets home from his exhausting day he is pleasentlley greeted at the front door by Jeanie. She kisses him passionenlty.

Earlier that day,Jeanie went to the food market where there was a 30% off sale. Jeanie picked up a lot of groceries and planned on making something special tonight. She decided to make some Sushi. Even though she was a vegetarian she knew Dwight and Ellie wasnt. So they ate Sushi that night while Jeanie
 had some leftover Waffles.


The next morning Dwight woke up early to repair the computer. It didnt go so well since he got electracuted. However he's not going to call a repair technician instead he'll get back to it later.

Dwight then went to work and Ellie slept in before it was her time to go to work.

Jeanie got up and went to a bridal shop were she went shopping for Bridal gowns. (Next Blog will be the dresses you can Vote on)

Later that night Jeanie went to the gym. Her wedding would be here before she would know it and she wanted to look extra pretty in her dress!

Dwight came to the gym after work and meant an athletic junkie named Richie Striker. Richie gave him a lot of good tips about exercising that Dwight promised to use! Jeanie and Ellie also found new friends at the gym. Jeanie and her friend promised to be work-out buddies. Ellie and her friend went out to eat after the gym.

Once they all got home they were once again exhausted by their long day. Thank goodness the weekend was coming up!