Christina's Sims

Christina's Sims
Christina's Sims Blogspot

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lots of Visits

The next day Jeanie's vampire "friend" comes over to the girls penthouse. Jeanie makes lots pancakes before realizing that Vampire's don't eat normal food. So she ends up eating alone.

As Jeanie has been visiting with the vampire, Ellie has been invited to one of her friends parties. Her house is beautiful and Ellie takes advantage of the awesome pool in it. There are windows in the pool on the outside and inside of the pool so you can see the lovely scenary and see whats going on inside the house!

Meanwhile as Ellie has been having fun at her friends party Jeanie has invited Dwight, for the first time over at her house. They cuddle a bit on the couch and chat before Dwight runs out the door because he's almost late for work. Jeanie wonders if the one his unknown trait is that he's a workaholic. At least she found out he's a Piscies meaning their horoscope signs are indeed compatible! Although it looks like if she wants to spend time with him Jeanie will have to visit Banzai Lounge, which is were he works.

The next morning, Sunday, Jeanie practices on her piano. She wants to dedicate today to her music since her last couple of days have been invested into Dwight.

Ellie knows exactly what she's doing today.
 Now that she's exercising she has a new interest in sports. So she stops by at the Sports Stadium and watches a game. Go Llamas Go!

Meanwhile Jeanie takes her piano to the park. She gets up on the empty stage and plays. From Afternoon till Night. And the experience is amazing because Nature fits so perfectly with the tunes made on her instrument.

A Weekend to make up for the Week

Ellie has been keeping up with her workouts she's now jogging around the block, hopefully she can avoid some vampires and some tempting parties!

Jeanie has been playing her piano it's almost time for her to show off her skills at the park and hopefully she'll meet some other musicians and they can start a band!

But for now Jeanie's going to take care of something she's wanted to do for a long time now; go to a painting class. Ever since she's moved her she's wanted to attend one, now she will. It's about time!
After her class (which she really enjoyed) she took out her phone and dialed Dwight's familiar phone number. She hasn't seen him since last weekend and she wonders how he's doing. But more importantly she wants to go on an outing with him to a private retreat on the more beautiful spacious side of Bridgeport. Fortunately, he agrees.

Before leaving she throws a quick pose and smile at no one in particular but you can tell she's happy to finally see Dwight again.

On the way to the resort you can't help but take snapshots at the beautiful landscape around you. Rolling hills, shining lakes, beautiful.

The resort is gorgeous and perfect and Jeanie can't wait to spend a lot of time with Dwight here. Once he arrives Jeanie tries something risky with her friend. But it's her want and if she wants to do it then she is going to do it. Jeanie skinny dips into the pool and asks Dwight to join her. He does.

But after a few seconds of swimming Dwight leaves. Jeanie didnt even get to talk to him! So Jeanie leaves the resort right after him and changes into her club wear. Looks like she's going to be visiting Dwight at his work!

Once she gets there Dwight loses his bodyguard mean glare and turns into a friendly guy.

He even starts to smile, on the job! Good thing Jeanie stopped talking to him in time for him to catch a vampire girl trying to sneak in!

Jeanie really distracts him when she invites him to play Bass as she plays Piano. And more when she starts flirting with him, but it's only holding hands.

They friendly hug before Jeanie goes into the VIP section to order some Egg Rolls. She's hungry and so is Dwight so she orders a group meal. Too bad its now closing time!

End of the Week

Meanwhile as Jeanie takes care of two toddlers Ellie has been working hard at Plumbob Pictures. She is well on her way to being a famous actress and now has achieved a 2star celebrity status and she's getting closer everyday to reaching her next star.

Even though she's not on the silver screen yet she's still working hard to promote the movies her crew is working so hard to make. So during work Ellie does some hands on work and passes out flyers to people in the park. All of the people who get one sa they can't wait to see the film!

Later on Ellie goes to the gym. she notices that she's been getting soft and if she's planning on being a celebrity she knows she has to be admired. Also when the weekend comes around who doesnt want to look good in a bathing suit?

Once she's on the treadmill Ellie finds out just how un-fit she is.

The next morning another day has started for Jeanie and Ellie. Ellie goes straight to the studio and Jeanie makes a group meal of pancakes (knowing that during the day the toddlers will only give her enough time to eat not to cook).

Once the Pancakes are done the parents waste no time getting their kids through the door. "Bye, Good luck!" They call as they race out the door not leaving without kissing there beloved one's goodbye, of course. 

Ellie has to leave for work but first helps Jeanie get a hold on the kids, they always seem to be more crankier in the morning.

Before Ellie leaves she seems to have made Sebastian very happy, so Jeanie really only has Bellisima to look after. Sebastian's needs our up and he's able to entertain himself with the toys laying around the house.

Bellisima, on the other hand, is giving Jeanie a hard time. When she wants to eat Jeanie gave her some babyfood but she made a mess all over her highchair, looks like it's bottles for now on.

Eventually Bellisima calms down and plays with the toys too, even though she's a mess maker she's still so adorable!
The kids have been sleeping peacefully but when their parents come over to pick them up Jeanie is so relieved, her week is finally over!

Even though her weekend has started still as she sleeps Jeanie can only think about next week. When she'll be taking care of 3 toddlers instead of 2. I think she has changed her mind about Promotion being a good thing.