Christina's Sims

Christina's Sims
Christina's Sims Blogspot

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Paparazzi, BodyGuards and Kissing. Oh my!

Jeanie hurries to get dressed in her formal wear afer checking herself in the mirror, twice she runs out the door to The Bonzai Lounge, where Dwight works.

Once she get's there, Dwight isn't as serious about his work as usual. Instead they kiss...alot.

So much time is spent kissing that they don't even notice the flashes.

The Paparazzi is having a frenzie over the 1 star celeb Jeanie kissing the Bodyguard Dwight Rubble. Hopefully her face won't be all over the newspaper the next morning.

After the most embarrising photoshoot, Jeanie escapes to the VIP room for saftey and plays with the bubble blower, she fancies the Chocolate flavor the most.

And she just can't help her self when she peeks at the newspaper. Doesn't she realize that it was printed this morning? Still, it eases the paranoia.

Since Dwight does'nt seem so into his job today anyway Jeanie calls him up to the VIP room so they can continue their date, in an actual date enviorment. Leaving the VIP post open to anyone.

Thankfully no one takes advantage but This Lounge isn't a hotspot tonight anyway so Dwight and Jeanie get it all to themselves.

 In an reanactment of last night Jeanie gets up on the counter and starts to dance for Dwight.

But as Jeanie gets lost in the music Duty calls for Dwight and he has to return to his post.

Ellie, on the other hand, has made a new friend, Stella Striker. At the gate of her house she shares a scary story. Stella finds it scary enough but I think it would be better at night.

Make sure you read my next blog, a lot of stuff happens!

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