Jeanie and Dwight's relationship has progressed to the state were they are both serious about eachother but Jeanie has an agenda. She's going to tell Dwight that if he wants her, something needs to change. Jeanie doesnt want to have a child who barley knows it's own daddy.
Once she arrives she notices it's a busy night at the lounge and she hates pulling Dwight away from his work.
Maybe tonight wasn't a good night, Jeanie thinks as she catches a glance at the dark glowing creature at the end of the room.
Ignoring the Vampire, She pulls Dwight outside and sits with him under the stars. The two are lost gazing up at the twinkiling lights above them. How romantic, Jeanie thinks and she notices then how strong her feelings are for Dwight. Hopefully he feels the same way she does about his extremley controlling job.
"We have alot to talk about." Jeanie starts as she glances back at Dwight. She explaines to him how his job is controlling him and not allowing the two to be together. She pleads for him to move in with her so that they can regain some lost time and she asks him to quit his job and do something else for a career. "I know I'm asking alot but I need you to do this for us." She ends.
Heart Broken Jeanie returns home. She really thought Dwight was the one but apparentley he doesn't care for her the way she did for him.
The next morning Jeanie goes for a drive. She needs some time alone, she puts her cell on silent so she can advoid Dwight's numerous phone calls. This is the end for her and Dwight since she promised herself no more Banzai Longe visits for Dwight their relationship would just not work out that way. What a fool she was, Jeanie thinks as she remembers back at his home when she confessed her attraction for him, she thought he felt the same way too.
And how awkard it would be everytime she payed a visit to her favorite lounge. Or her calling her band together (Dwight as Bass and another musician as guitar and of course herself as piano is right now all she has) Jeanie's Jam Band would never be the same.
Meanwhile Dwight is fusterated that Jeanie won't return his phone calls. He feels miserbale about how they had left there relationship last night so he decides to visit her at her penthouse. He meets Ellie for the first time there, and tells her he is waiting for Jeanie.
Dwight waits for Jeanie to arrive outside of her penthouse and when she does he's quick to appologize.
"I've already quit" He tells her and he agrees to move in with her. Jeanie tells him how thankful she is with a big kiss.
Once Dwight is all settled in to his new living place he searches on the computer for a new job, while meanwhile Jeanie gets up for their second date that she decided will be here at the house.
Dwight finds the perfect job, for his ambitious side and his outdoors man qualities. He's going to be a firefighter!
So now that Jeanie and Dwight are living together and now that he has a new job do you think their relationship will work?
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