Well hi, I'm Lucky.
And this is my friend, Mermaid.
We're strays and we live in the big city, Bridgeport.
Most of the time were hungry, however we get lucky when someone drops their food on the road or sidewalks. I wonder why they wouldn't pick it up... it's perfectly good food! All well, better for us!
When I'm really hungry, I'll walk up to a young human who has food. Then I move my head side to side. The young ones really get a kick out of it and usually they'll give me some of their food. It really pays off when your cute! Here I'll show you what I do...
A little bit about my self is that I'm a very clever dog. Mermaid even calls me a genius!
Mermaid is an awesome dog too, but she is such a Beauty Queen! Emphasis on the Queen. One time, she made me tag along with her to the beach just so we could collect the prettiest and shiniest shells to decorate the bush she sleeps under. Oh and this one time we were almost killed when she convinced me to help her steal this one humans necklace! But Mermaid is the best friend I will ever have, I'm lucky to be sharing my life with her.
The place were we live is the Bridgeport park. We each sleep under our own bush but their right beside each other. Our bush protects us from the cold, the rain, and from some over friendly Sim humans!
Another great thing about our home, is that the park really does have everything we need! Food, sunshine, and the ever tasty ice cream!
Hmmm... It seems that you want to know more about me and Mermaid. Well please let me tell you about me first! Ok so you know that I am super smart right? Well despite my constant jabbering to you, I am relativley a quiet dog. I don't bark much, I find that useless. I am also a very loyal dog. Just ask Mermaid, I would never turn on her... and If I should ever find a sim to be my master , I would always be loyal to them too.
Alright so some information on Mermaid, huh?
OK, apart from the fact that Mermaid is the best friend a dog could ever find in another dog, she is also very friendly to other dogs and to stranger sims. Sometimes we take a trip to the School, just when the bell rings to let the kid sims out, because Mermaid enjoys their pets, praises and attention.
Mermaid also loves the water. She tells me all these stories about what she experiences when she takes a dip in the wet stuff. One time she told me that she meant all the creatures of the deep. She said they were bigger than buildings and ferocious. She also said she meant a mermaid before, she loved the creature so much that she named herself after it.
Mermaid is also quite prideful. She is proud of her deep water accomplishments, her beauty and her friendliness, and she lets everyone know it. She walks around with her posture straight, but I don't find it annoying at all. Her pride is a part of her.
She's my friend and I love her.
well bye, see you later! Maybe next time I can show you my home!
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